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Enum ProtocolEventIds


Provides event ID constants used for the logging of protocol-related events.

public enum ProtocolEventIds


ConnectionAccepted = 0

The protocol listener accepted a new connection.

ConnectionAcceptFailed = 1

The protocol listener failed to accept a new connection. This is a critical error.

ConnectionAcceptFailedWithRetryableException = 2

The protocol listener failed to accept a new connection but continues accepting more connections.

ConnectionConnected = 3

The connection establishment completed successfully.

ConnectionConnectFailed = 4

The connection establishment failed. This is the last event for this connection.

ConnectionDisposed = 5

A connected connection was disposed. This is the last event for this connection.

ConnectionShutdown = 6

The shutdown of a connected connection completed successfully.

ConnectionShutdownFailed = 7

The shutdown of a connected connection failed.

DispatchFailed = 8

The dispatch started and failed to return a response.

DispatchRefused = 9

The dispatch was refused before the incoming request could be read and decoded.

RequestPayloadContinuationFailed = 10

The sending of the payload continuation of a request failed.

StartAcceptingConnections = 11

The listener starts accepting connections.

StopAcceptingConnections = 12

The listener stops accepting connections.