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Enum TagFormat


The tag format used by tagged fields with the Slice1 encoding.

public enum TagFormat


F1 = 0

A fixed size numeric encoded on 1 byte such as bool or uint8.

F2 = 1

A fixed size numeric encoded on 2 bytes such as int16.

F4 = 2

A fixed size numeric encoded on 4 bytes such as int32 or float32.

F8 = 3

A fixed size numeric encoded on 8 bytes such as int64 or float64.

Size = 4

A variable-length size encoded on 1 or 5 bytes.

VSize = 5

A variable-length size followed by size bytes.

FSize = 6

A fixed length size (encoded on 4 bytes) followed by size bytes.

Class = 7

Represents a class, but is no longer encoded or decoded.

OptimizedVSize = 8

Pseudo non-encoded format: like VSize but the size is optimized out.


With the Slice1 encoding, each tagged fields has a specific tag format. This tag format describes how the data is encoded and how it can be skipped by the decoding code if the tagged field is present in the buffer but is not known to the receiver. The tag format is encoded on 3 bits; as a result, only values in the range 0 to 7 are encoded.