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Class DeadlineInterceptor


Represents an interceptor that sets deadlines on requests without deadlines, and enforces these deadlines.

public class DeadlineInterceptor : IInvoker
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


When a request doesn't carry an IDeadlineFeature feature, this interceptor computes a deadline using its configured default timeout; otherwise, it uses the request's existing deadline feature. It then encodes the deadline value as a Deadline field and makes the invocation throw a TimeoutException upon expiration of this deadline.
The dispatch of a one-way request cannot be canceled since the invocation typically completes before this dispatch starts; as a result, for a one-way request, the deadline must be enforced by a DeadlineMiddleware.
If the server installs a DeadlineMiddleware, this deadline middleware decodes the deadline and enforces it. In the unlikely event the middleware detects the expiration of the deadline before this interceptor, the invocation will return an OutgoingResponse carrying status code DeadlineExceeded.
The deadline interceptor must be installed before any interceptor than can run multiple times per request. In particular, it must be installed before the retry interceptor.


DeadlineInterceptor(IInvoker, TimeSpan, bool)

Constructs a Deadline interceptor.

public DeadlineInterceptor(IInvoker next, TimeSpan defaultTimeout, bool alwaysEnforceDeadline)


next IInvoker

The next invoker in the invocation pipeline.

defaultTimeout TimeSpan

The default timeout. When not infinite, the interceptor adds a deadline to requests without a deadline.

alwaysEnforceDeadline bool

When true and the request carries a deadline, the interceptor always creates a cancellation token source to enforce this deadline. When false and the request carries a deadline, the interceptor creates a cancellation token source to enforce this deadline only when the invocation's cancellation token cannot be canceled. The default value is false.


InvokeAsync(OutgoingRequest, CancellationToken)

Sends an outgoing request and returns the corresponding incoming response.

public Task<IncomingResponse> InvokeAsync(OutgoingRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


request OutgoingRequest

The outgoing request being sent.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A cancellation token that receives the cancellation requests.



The corresponding IncomingResponse.


When request is a two-way request, the returned task will not complete successfully until after the request's Payload is fully sent and the response is received from the peer. When the request is a one-way request, the returned task completes successfully with an empty response when the request's Payload is fully sent. For all requests (one-way and two-way), the sending of the request's PayloadContinuation can continue in a background task after the returned task has completed successfully.

See Also