Interface IServerAddressFeature
Represents a feature used by the invocation pipeline to select the server address to use and share this selection.
public interface IServerAddressFeature
- Extension Methods
Gets or sets the alternatives to ServerAddress.
ImmutableList<ServerAddress> AltServerAddresses { get; set; }
Property Value
- ImmutableList<ServerAddress>
The list of alternatives to ServerAddress. It is empty when ServerAddress is null.
Gets or sets the list of ServerAddress that have been removed and will not be used for the invocation.
ImmutableList<ServerAddress> RemovedServerAddresses { get; set; }
Property Value
- ImmutableList<ServerAddress>
The list of removed ServerAddress.
Gets or sets the main server address for the invocation. When retrying, it represents the server address that was used by the preceding attempt.
ServerAddress? ServerAddress { get; set; }
Property Value
- ServerAddress?
The main server address. It is null if there's no server address to use for the invocation.