IceRpc |
The core of the IceRPC framework and various extensions for this core. |
IceRpc.Compressor |
Provides the compressor interceptor and middleware, for compressing and decompressing the payloads of requests and responses. |
IceRpc.Deadline |
Provides the deadline interceptor and middleware. |
IceRpc.Extensions.DependencyInjection |
Provides APIs related to Dependency Injection. |
IceRpc.Features |
Provides the feature collection API and the core request features. |
IceRpc.Locator |
Provides the locator interceptor. This interceptor enables interop with Ice servers registered with a locator such as IceGrid. |
IceRpc.Logger |
Provides the logger interceptor and middleware, for logging requests and responses to an ILogger. |
IceRpc.Metrics |
Provides the metrics interceptor and middleware. |
IceRpc.Protobuf |
Provides support for the IceRPC + Protobuf integration. |
IceRpc.RequestContext |
Provides the request context interceptor and middleware. |
IceRpc.Retry |
Provides the retry interceptor. |
IceRpc.Slice |
Provides support for the IceRPC + Slice integration. The Slice compiler for C# generates code for Slice interfaces that relies on these APIs. |
IceRpc.Slice.Ice |
Provides Ice-specific APIs, for interop with Ice applications. |
IceRpc.Telemetry |
Provides the telemetry interceptor and middleware; they add OpenTelemetry support to IceRPC. |
IceRpc.Transports |
Provides the duplex and multiplexed transport abstractions. |
IceRpc.Transports.Coloc |
Provides the coloc duplex transport. It implements the duplex transport abstractions for "colocated" communications within the same address space. |
IceRpc.Transports.Quic |
Provides the QUIC multiplexed transport. It implements the multiplexed transport abstractions using QUIC. |
IceRpc.Transports.Slic |
Provides the Slic multiplexing adapter. Slic implements the multiplexed transport abstractions over the duplex transport abstractions. |
IceRpc.Transports.Tcp |
Provides the TCP duplex transport. It implements the duplex transport abstractions using plain TCP and TCP + SSL. |
ZeroC.Slice |
Supports encoding/decoding structured data to/from bytes in the Slice format. The Slice compiler for C# generates code that relies on these APIs. |