Ice::Object and checked cast

Understand how to provide interoperable services with IceRPC + Slice.

With Ice, all Slice interfaces implicitly derive from the Ice::Object interface, which provides four operations: ice_id, ice_ids, ice_ping and ice_isA.

The generated code implements these operations automatically. As an application developer using Ice, you typically don't think about these built-in operations.

With IceRPC, a Slice interface does not have any implicit base interface, and Ice::Object is just a regular interface:

mode = Slice1
module Ice
/// Provides 3 ice_ operations. Services implemented with Ice or that offer compatibility with Ice implement this
/// interface.
interface Object {
/// Gets the Slice type IDs of all the interfaces implemented by the target service.
/// @returns: The Slice type IDs of all these interfaces, sorted alphabetically.
idempotent ice_ids() -> Sequence<string>
/// Tests whether the target service implements the specified interface.
/// @param id: The Slice type ID of the interface to test against.
/// @returns: True when the target service implements this interface; otherwise, false.
idempotent ice_isA(id: string) -> bool
/// Pings the service.
idempotent ice_ping()

IceRPC does not provide the fourth operation, ice_id. With IceRPC + Slice, a service can implement multiple Slice interfaces and does not always have a single most-derived Slice interface / type ID.

When you implement a service with IceRPC + Slice, you decide if you want to implement this interface.

In C#, you implement Ice::Object like any other interface, except you don't need to actually implement any of the mapped interface methods. The IceRPC + Slice integration provides a default implementation for all these methods. For example:

using IceRpc.Features;
using IceRpc.Slice; // for SliceService
using IceRpc.Slice.Ice; // for IIceObjectService (Slice Ice::Object)
internal partial class HelloService : IHelloService, IIceObjectService
// IIceObjectService provides default implementations for all the ice_ operations.
public ValueTask SayHelloAsync(IFeatureCollection features, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

With Ice, you can call built-in Ice::Object operations using any proxy, but it is unusual to do so. There is however one hidden exception: ice_isA.

The Ice client demos, including the most basic Minimal demo, all start with a call to checkedCast.

checkedCast is a helper method that calls the ice_isA operation on the proxy being "checked cast": it asks the target service (Ice object with Ice's terminology) if it implements a specific Slice interface. While this check is unnecessary (uncheckedCast works just as well), it's shown by all Ice demos and is therefore very common.

The net result is: if you reimplement an existing Ice server with IceRPC, your services need to implement Ice::Object when they are being "checked cast" by existing Ice client applications.

If you like checkedCast and want to keep check-casting your proxies, the IceRPC + Slice integration provides an equivalent API: AsAsync. The target service must implement Ice::Object; otherwise, AsAsync will fail with a DispatchException with status code NotImplemented.

There is no need for an uncheckedCast API in IceRPC + Slice, because you can construct a proxy directly with its constructor. For example:

Ice client in C#
using var communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref args);
ObjectPrx proxy = communicator.stringToProxy(
"hello:default -h localhost -p 10000");
HelloPrx helloProxy =
IceRPC + Slice client in C#
await using var connection = new ClientConnection(
new Uri("ice://localhost:10000"));
var helloProxy = new HelloProxy(
new Uri("ice:/hello"));
await helloProxy.SayHelloAsync();

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