
A modern IDL and serialization format

Slice is a new Interface Definition Language (IDL) that you use to model and describe your network API in a clear and concise manner.

Defining the customary Greeter service interface in Slice is straightforward:

interface Greeter {
greet(name: string) -> string

You don't need to craft special request and reply message types for the greet operation: you can specify all your parameters inline.

You can use Slice with any RPC framework, or with no RPC framework at all. Slice is a separate framework that does not depend on IceRPC.

That being said, Slice and IceRPC were developed in tandem and together form what you would typically understand as an "RPC framework".

This chapter describes both Slice and the IceRPC + Slice integration provided by IceRPC.

Once you've described your RPCs in Slice, you run the Slice compiler on your Slice definitions to generate code in the programming language of your choice. This generated code makes it easy to send requests to a remote service and later receive the corresponding responses. It also helps you implement this remote service by providing a template to fill-in.

For example, the Slice compiler for C# generates two C# interfaces and a struct from the interface Greeter shown earlier:

C# generated code - client-side
public partial interface IGreeter
Task<string> GreetAsync(
string name,
IFeatureCollection? features = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public readonly partial record struct GreeterProxy : IGreeter, IProxy
public Task<string> GreetAsync(
string name,
IFeatureCollection? features = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// implemented using IceRPC...
C# generated code - server-side
public partial interface IGreeterService
ValueTask<string> GreetAsync(
string name,
IFeatureCollection features,
CancellationToken cancellationToken);

The C# code shown above is generated by the Slice compiler augmented by the IceRPC + Slice integration. In particular, IFeatureCollection is an IceRPC type.

You can fine-tune the API generated by the Slice compiler with Slice attributes. For example, in C#, you can map a sequence to an array (the default), or to a list, or even to a hash set:

interface Translator {
getLanguages() -> [cs::type("HashSet<string>")] Sequence<string>

The cs::type attribute changes the mapping for values decoded by the generated code and returned to you. For values you give to the generated code, the mapping for a Sequence<string> parameter is always IEnumerable<string>.

Slice's custom types allow you to send any type you wish through Slice. You just need to provide methods to encode and decode instances of your custom type.

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