4 min read

Slice components

An overview of each Slice component.

Slice is made of several related components:

  • the Slice language
    The Slice language is a computer language designed for RPCs, but not tied to a specific RPC framework. You use Slice to specify RPCs and types used by these RPCs. It's a simple language without any execution logic: no if, no while, no print. While you specify your RPCs in Slice, you implement the actual "business logic" using the programming language of your choice (C#, Rust, Python...). The Slice language is an Interface Definition Language or IDL.

  • the Slice encoding
    The Slice encoding specifies how Slice language constructs such as string, int32, float64, struct, and operation arguments are encoded into streams of bytes. The Slice encoding is a simple, compact, binary serialization format. Most Slice users don't need to know the details of this encoding.

Then, for each programming language that Slice supports (currently C#, and soon Rust, Python and more), Slice provides:

  • a Slice language mapping
    A language mapping is a set of rules that specifies how Slice language constructs are represented in that language. For instance, a Slice struct is mapped to a struct in C#. The C# language mapping specifies the name of this struct, its fields, its constructors, etc.

  • a Slice compiler
    A language mapping is implemented by a tool—the Slice compiler—that verifies your Slice syntax and generates code from your Slice definitions to a "mapped" programming language. In C#, the Slice compiler for C#, slicec-cs, compiles Slice files into C# files. When a Slice file defines a (Slice) struct, the corresponding C# file contains the mapped C# struct.

  • a Slice library
    The code generated by the Slice compiler relies on a Slice library in the target programming language. For example, the code generated by the Slice compiler for C# relies on SliceEncoder and SliceDecoder, two C# structs defined in namespace ZeroC.Slice that can encode resp. decode a variety of types to or from byte buffers. These structs are provided by the ZeroC.Slice assembly and referenced by the code generated by the Slice compiler.

And lastly, an RPC framework that supports Slice adds:

  • a language mapping for Slice interfaces and operations
    The RPC framework defines how Slice interfaces and operations are mapped in the target programming language. For example, the IceRPC + Slice integration for C# maps each Slice interface to two C# interfaces and one C# struct.

  • an augmented Slice compiler
    The RPC framework includes an augmented Slice compiler than generates code for Slice interfaces and operations.

  • a library
    The code generated by the augmented Slice compiler uses both the Slice library, the RPC framework, and an additional library that assists this integration. For example, the IceRPC + Slice integration in C# relies on the IceRpc.Slice assembly.

All these Slice components work together to help you make RPCs without having to worry about encoding intricacies. With IceRPC + Slice, your primary responsibility is to use the same Slice definitions in your client and server applications; the code generated by the Slice compiler encodes and decodes your arguments and return values, and exposes an easy-to-use typed API.

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