4 min read

Contract first model

Learn how to create an application using IceRPC and Slice.

When you create an application with IceRPC and Slice, the very first step is to model your RPCs with Slice. These Slice definitions represent the contract between your client and server applications. It is critical for both applications to share the same Slice definitions.

A minimal Slice contract defines an interface with an operation, for instance:

module VisitorCenter
interface Greeter {
greet(name: string) -> string

An interface must be defined in a module (VisitorCenter in the example above), and an operation must be defined inside an interface.

We save these definitions in file Greeter.slice.

Once you've written the initial version of your Slice definitions, you need to compile them with the Slice compiler for your programming language.

In C#, you would use the IceRPC Slice tools to add Slice file compilation to your IceRPC project. The Slice compiler for C# generates a C# file for each Slice file. Since we have single Slice file, we get a single C# file, Greeter.cs.

The Slice compiler for C# generates a C# interface named INameService for each Slice interface. This C# interface includes a method per Slice operation. The generated service interface for the Greeter interface defined earlier is:

// generated code
namespace VisitorCenter;
public partial interface IGreeterService
ValueTask<string> GreetAsync(string name, IFeatureCollection features, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

We just need to create a partial class that implements this generated interface. This class must also carry the SliceService attribute:

using IceRpc;
using IceRpc.Features;
using IceRpc.Slice;
using VisitorCenter;
namespace GreeterServer;
// Our own implementation for Slice interface Greeter.
internal partial class Chatbot : IGreeterService
public ValueTask<string> GreetAsync(
string name,
IFeatureCollection features,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Console.WriteLine($"Dispatching greet request {{ name = '{name}' }}");
return new($"Hello, {name}!");

The [SliceService] attribute instructs the Slice Service source generator to generate an implementation of interface IDispatcher. This implementation dispatches incoming requests to the Chatbot methods based on the operation names carried by these requests.

We then insert this dispatcher into the server's dispatch pipeline, as usual.

The Slice compiler for C# also generates a C# interface IName and a struct NameProxy for each Slice interface. NameProxy implements IName. The generated C# interface includes a method per operation in the Slice interface.

The generated interface for our Greeter Slice interface is:

// generated code
namespace VisitorCenter;
public partial interface IGreeter
Task<string> GreetAsync(
string name,
IFeatureCollection? features = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

IGreeter is a minimal interface that you can easily decorate.

The GreeterProxy struct implements the methods of the generated interface by creating outgoing requests and calling InvokeAsync on its invoker with these requests.

You then create an instance of this proxy struct to make remote calls, for example:

using IceRpc;
using VisitorCenter;
// A ClientConnection is an invoker.
await using var connection = new ClientConnection(new Uri("icerpc://examples.zeroc.com"));
// The service address URI specifies the protocol (icerpc) and the path (/greeter).
var greeterProxy = new GreeterProxy(connection, new Uri("icerpc:/greeter"));
// Make an RPC and print the return value.
string greeting = await greeter.GreetAsync("Syd");

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