
Learn how to define and use Slice attributes.

A Slice attribute allows you to customize some aspect of your Slice definitions without changing the contract with the peer.

For example, you can map a Slice struct to a read-only C# record struct with the [cs::readonly] attribute. The addition of the readonly keyword to your C# struct has no effect whatsoever on the data transmitted over the wire.

Adding or removing an attribute to the Slice definitions of your client application has no effect on an unmodified server application, and vice-versa.

An attribute is enclosed in square brackets just before the construct it applies to. For example:

[cs::readonly] // a struct attribute
compact struct FooFighter {
sighting: Coordinates
[deprecated("Use Bar instead")] // an interface attribute
interface Foo {
[oneway] doIt() // an operation attribute

You can also define a file-level attribute with double square brackets. A file-level attribute is a shortcut to apply this attribute to all definitions in the file that accept this attribute. For example:

// The Slice compiler won't emit a warning when a Slice definition
// in this file references a deprecated type.
module SampleModule

The following attributes are available in all language mappings:

AttributeApplies toDescription
Interfaces, operations, parameters, user-defined types, fields, enumerators
Suppress warnings during compilation.
Request compression from the local compressor interceptor or middleware.
Interfaces, operations, user-defined types, fields, enumerators
Mark as deprecated.
Create one-way requests for this operation (client-side only).
Operations (Slice1 only)
Encode the operation arguments or return value in Sliced format.

The allow attribute tells the Slice compiler to not emit warnings in situations where it would normally emit warnings. It accepts one or more of the following arguments:

Do not emit any warning that can be suppressed.
Do not emit a warning when a doc comment link references an unknown Slice construct.
Do not emit a warning when referencing a deprecated type.
Do not emit a warning for a doc comment that is syntactically correct but contains a logic error.
Do not emit a warning for doc comments that are syntactically incorrect (as per the doc comment syntax).

allow can be specified as a regular attribute and as a file-level attribute. For example:

[deprecated("Use Associate instead.")]
compact struct Employee {
name: string
phoneNumber: string
interface CompanyDirectory {
[deprecated("Call lookupAssociate instead.")]
lookupEmployee(name: string) -> Employee
lookupAssociate(name: string) -> Associate

The deprecated attribute marks a Slice definition as deprecated, and accepts an optional string argument. It has two separate purposes:

  • make the Slice compiler emit a warning when some other Slice definition references a deprecated type
  • when possible, generate a comparable deprecated attribute on the mapped construct

See allow attribute above for an example.

The following attributes are specific to the C# mapping. They all start with the cs:: suffix.

AttributeApplies toDescription
Enum types, enumerators, and fields
Add the specified C# attribute to the mapped C# enum, enum member, or field.
Return an already encoded return value (server-side only).
Interfaces, operations, parameters, user-defined types, fields, and enumerators
Change the name of the mapped C# identifier.
Interfaces and user-defined types
Map to an internal C# type instead of a public C# type.
Change the name of the mapped C# namespace.
Structs and struct fields
Adds readonly to the mapped C# struct or field.
Specify the mapped C# type.

The cs::identifier attribute specifies the exact mapped C# identifier you want as its argument. The Slice compiler does not adjust the case of this identifier, but adds prefixes and suffixes as needed.

For example:

interface Enumerator {
public partial interface IRemoteEnumerator
public readonly partial
record struct RemoteEnumeratorProxy :
public partial interface IRemoteEnumeratorService

The cs::internal attribute maps a Slice type to one or more internal C# types. It does not accept any argument.

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