4 min read

Dispatch pipeline

Understand how to accept requests and return responses.

The process of accepting/fulfilling a request and returning a response is called a dispatch.

Dispatches are typically created by server connections: a server connection receives a request, dispatches this request and then sends back the response provided by the dispatch.

Nevertheless, since client and server connections have the same capabilities, client connections can also dispatch requests.

When a connection receives a request, it dispatches this request using its configured dispatcher. This dispatcher is an abstraction that accepts an incoming request and returns an outgoing response. It's the server-side counterpart to the invoker abstraction.

An important difference between Invoker and Dispatcher is you need to implement this Dispatcher abstraction to fulfill the requests and produce the responses. The Invoker abstraction is implemented by IceRPC's connections.

In C#, this dispatcher abstraction is the IDispatcher interface:

namespace IceRpc;
public interface IDispatcher
ValueTask<OutgoingResponse> DispatchAsync(
IncomingRequest request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

You configure the dispatcher of a server connection when you construct the server that accepts this connection. This dispatcher can't be null. A server shares its dispatcher with all the connections it accepts. For example:

// configures server to use a new Chatbot instance as its dispatcher
await using var server = new Server(new Chatbot());

Configuring a dispatcher for a client connection is optional since a client connection does not have to accept requests.

In C#, you configure the dispatcher of a client connection with the ConnectionOptions class. For example:

using IceRpc;
// ClientConnectionOptions derives from ConnectionOptions
var clientConnectionOptions = new ClientConnectionOptions
Dispatcher = new MyCallback(),
ServerAddress = new Uri("icerpc://hello.zeroc.com")
await using var connection = new ClientConnection(clientConnectionOptions);

The dispatcher abstraction offers a great deal of flexibility. A Slice service is a dispatcher, so it's easy to configure a server to dispatch all the requests it receives to the same Slice service.

A dispatcher implementation can dispatch to another dispatcher, which itself dispatches to another dispatcher, and so on; the dispatcher you configure on a server can be the head of a dispatcher chain or tree, known as a "dispatch pipeline".

There are 3 common types of dispatchers:

  • Leaf dispatcher
    It's a leaf in the dispatch pipeline. For example, a Slice service.

  • Middleware
    A middleware intercepts a dispatch and forwards it to the "next" dispatcher. IceRPC provides several built-it middleware for logging, compression and more.

  • Router
    A router routes a request to a dispatcher registered with this router based on the request's path. It can also host one ore more middleware.

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