Writing your first IceRPC + Slice client in C#

This tutorial is the second part of a two part series that shows how to create a complete application with IceRPC for C#. We start from scratch—you just need to have the .NET 8 SDK installed on your computer.

The first part of this tutorial showed how to create the server. This part shows how to create the client.

dotnet new icerpc-slice-client -o MySliceClient

This command creates a new IceRPC client application in directory MySliceClient.

MySliceClient in Visual Studio Code

Let's examine each file:

This file is (and must be) identical or almost identical to the Greeter.slice we used for the server:

module VisitorCenter
/// Represents a simple greeter.
interface Greeter {
/// Creates a personalized greeting.
/// @param name: The name of the person to greet.
/// @returns: The greeting.
greet(name: string) -> string

The only difference with our server's Greeter.slice is the cs::namespace attribute. That's fine: attributes don't change the contract. Here, the Slice compiler generates the C# code in namespace MySliceClient and contract-wise, it doesn't matter that the server uses a different namespace.

The main program starts by creating a connection to the server:

// Create a simple console logger factory and configure the log level for category IceRpc.
using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
.AddFilter("IceRpc", LogLevel.Information));
// Path to the root CA certificate.
using var rootCA = X509CertificateLoader.LoadCertificateFromFile("certs/cacert.der");
// Create Client authentication options with custom certificate validation.
var clientAuthenticationOptions = new SslClientAuthenticationOptions
RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>
if (certificate is X509Certificate2 peerCertificate)
using var customChain = new X509Chain();
customChain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
customChain.ChainPolicy.DisableCertificateDownloads = true;
customChain.ChainPolicy.TrustMode = X509ChainTrustMode.CustomRootTrust;
return customChain.Build(peerCertificate);
return false;
await using var connection = new ClientConnection(
new Uri("icerpc://localhost"),
logger: loggerFactory.CreateLogger<ClientConnection>());

This connection naturally matches our server configuration:

  • the server address is icerpc://localhost, meaning we connect with the icerpc protocol to localhost on the default port for icerpc (4062)
  • we don't specify a transport so we use the default multiplexed transport (tcp)
  • Setting the clientAuthenticationOptions means we'll establish a secure SSL connection

Creating the connection instance does not establish the connection.

Then, the client program creates an invocation pipeline that flows into the connection:

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
.UseDeadline(defaultTimeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))

When we send a request, the request goes through the Logger interceptor and the Deadline interceptor before being sent over the connection. The Deadline interceptor we install here ensures the request times out after 10 seconds without a response.

The Deadline interceptor communicates with the Deadline middleware via a request field sent alongside each request; this allows the middleware to enforce the deadline created by the interceptor. On the other hand, the Logger interceptor and middleware are totally independent.

Next, the client program creates a Greeter proxy with this invocation pipeline:

var greeterProxy = new GreeterProxy(pipeline);

GreeterProxy is a struct that the Slice compiler generated from Slice interface Greeter. This struct allows us to send requests to a remote service that implements Greeter.

With this code, the address of the target service (or service address) is the default for Greeter, namely icerpc:/VisitorCenter.Greeter. It matches the route we created in the server. We could also create the same proxy with an explicit service address:

var greeterProxy = new GreeterProxy(pipeline, new Uri("icerpc:/VisitorCenter.Greeter"));

Finally, the client sends a greet request, awaits the response (the greeting), prints the greeting and shuts down the connection gracefully:

string greeting = await greeterProxy.GreetAsync(Environment.UserName);
await connection.ShutdownAsync();

When we call greeterProxy.GreetAsync, the connection to the server is not yet established: it's the GreetAsync call that triggers the connection establishment.

The project file is identical to the server's project file, with references to 4 separate IceRpc NuGet packages:

cd MySliceServer
dotnet run

The server is now listening for new connections from clients.

cd MySliceClient
dotnet run

The client sends a single greet request to the service hosted by our server:

info: IceRpc.Logger.LoggerInterceptor[0]
Sent request greet to icerpc:/VisitorCenter.Greeter over [::1]:59522<->[::1]:4062 and received a response with status code Ok
Hello, jose!

Press Ctrl+C on the server console to shut it down.

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