Using the IceRPC .NET project templates

The easiest way to create a new project configured for IceRPC is by using a .NET project template. You can install the IceRPC project templates with the following dotnet new command:

dotnet new install IceRpc.Templates
Template nameDescription
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Protobuf client console application.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Protobuf server console application.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Protobuf client console application using Microsoft's DI container.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Protobuf server console application using Microsoft's DI container.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Slice client console application.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Slice server console application.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Slice client console application using Microsoft's DI container.
A project template for creating an IceRPC + Slice server console application using Microsoft's DI container.

You use the IceRPC templates with the standard dotnet new <template> command. All IceRPC templates offer the following template options:

-F, --Framework <net8.0|net9.0> The target framework for the project.
Type: choice
net8.0 Target net8.0
net9.0 Target net9.0
Default: net8.0
--no-restore If specified, skips the automatic restore of the project on create.
Type: bool
Default: false
-tr, --transport <quic|tcp> The transport to use for IceRPC connections.
Type: choice
quic Use the QUIC transport
tcp Use the TCP transport
Default: tcp

For example, you can create a new project named MyProtobufClient for an IceRPC + Protobuf client application that targets the .NET 9.0 framework and uses the QUIC transport with the following command:

dotnet new icerpc-protobuf-client -o MyProtobufClient -F net9.0 --transport quic

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