Protocol frames

Understand how requests and responses are sent over ice.

This section describes the ice protocol as implemented by IceRPC. The ice protocol as implemented by Ice is described in the Ice Manual, where it's known as version 1.0 of the Ice protocol.

Both implementations are naturally compatible to allow Ice and IceRPC applications to communicate with each others.

The ice protocol implementation provided by IceRPC does not support a few non-essential features that Ice supports, namely:

  • batch requests
  • protocol frame compression
  • datagram transports (i.e., UDP)

The ice protocol sends requests, responses and other information over a duplex connection in protocol frames.

All ice protocol frames have the same layout: a header followed by a body. The format of the body depends on the frame type.

Frames and types from this page are defined using Slice.

The header is a compact struct defined as follows:

mode = Slice1
compact struct HeaderData {
magic: int32 // always 0x49 0x63 0x65 0x50 i.e. "IceP".
protocolMajor: uint8 // always 1
protocolMinor: uint8 // always 0
encodingMajor: uint8 // always 1
encodingMinor: uint8 // always 0
frameType: FrameType
compressionStatus: uint8
frameSize: int32
enum FrameType { // encoded on a single byte
Request = 0
BatchRequest = 1
Reply = 2
ValidateConnection = 3
CloseConnection = 4

The compressionStatus field is not used or supported by IceRPC. It must be set to 0.

The frameSize represents the total number of bytes in the frame, including the frame header.

A request frame carries an ice request. It consists of a header with the Request type followed by a RequestData body:

mode = Slice1
compact struct RequestData {
requestId: int32
id: Identity
facet: Sequence<string>
operation: string
mode: OperationMode
context: Dictionary<string, string>
params: Encapsulation
compact struct Identity {
name: string
category: string
enum OperationMode { Normal = 0, Idempotent = 2 } // encoded on 1 byte

A requestId with a value greater than 0 uniquely identifies a two-way request on a connection, and must not be reused while a response for this request is outstanding. The requestId 0 is reserved for one-way requests; a one-way request has no corresponding response.

The id field corresponds to the path of the outgoing request's service address encoded as an Ice identity.

The facet field corresponds to the fragment of the outgoing request's service address encoded as a Sequence<string>. This sequence is empty when the fragment is empty; otherwise, it has a single element with the fragment.

The mode encodes the value of the Idempotent request field. The default is Normal.

The context encodes the value of the Context request field. The default is an empty dictionary.

The params field carries the request payload inside an encapsulation.

A batch request corresponds to one or more one-way ice requests "batched" together in a single frame. IceRPC does not send batch requests and does not accept incoming batch request frames.

A response frame carries an ice response. It consists of a header with the Reply type followed by a ReplyData body:

compact struct ReplyData {
requestId: int32
replyStatus: ReplyStatus
replyPayload: uint8[...] // pseudo-Slice
enum ReplyStatus { // encoded on 1 byte
Ok = 0
UserException = 1
ObjectNotExistException = 2
FacetNotExistException = 3
OperationNotExistException = 4
UnknownLocalException = 5
UnknownUserException = 6
UnknownException = 7

The requestId field identifies the request associated with this response.

The replyStatus encodes the response's status code as follows:

Status codeEncoded as reply status
Any other status code

When IceRPC receives a response frame, it creates an incoming response with a status code decoded from the reply status:

Reply statusDecoded as status code
Unknown exceptions

The format of the replyPayload depends on the reply status:

Reply statusFormat of the reply payload
An encapsulation that holds the response's payload.
An encapsulation that holds the response's payload.
NotExist exceptions
A RequestFailedData encoded with Slice1.
Unknown exceptions
The response's error message encoded with Slice1.

RequestFailedData is a struct that holds the request's path, fragment and operation. The path is encoded as an Identity and the fragment is encoded as a Sequence<string>:

compact struct RequestFailedData {
path: Identity
facet: Sequence<string>
operation: string

IceRPC always encodes the path, fragment and operation of the current incoming request in RequestFailedData when sending a response with status code NotFound or NotImplemented in an ice response frame.

When IceRPC receives an ice response with a NotExist reply status, it decodes the RequestFailedData to create the response's error message and then discards this RequestFailedData.

When the response's status code is ApplicationError, NotFound or NotImplemented, the ice protocol does not provide a mechanism to transmit the response's error message. As a result, the error message is not sent to the peer or received from the peer with these status codes.

An encapsulation is a holder for a request or response payload. It holds the payload and encodes the payload size (as the encapsulation size, equal to the payload size plus 6) and an encoding version:

compact struct Encapsulation {
size: int32 // payload size + 6
encodingMajor: uint8 // always 1
encodingMinor: uint8 // always 1
payload: uint8[...] // pseudo-Slice

IceRPC does not know (and does not want to know) how a request or response payload is encoded. As far as IceRPC is concerned, the payload is just a stream of bytes. It's the user of IceRPC that knows how these payloads are encoded; a typical user is the code generated by the Slice compiler.

Conversely, with Ice, requests and responses always specify the version of the Ice encoding used to encode their payloads. When an Ice application decodes a request or response payload, it can rely on this information.

For compatibility with Ice, IceRPC always encodes 1.1 (on 2 bytes) as the Ice encoding version in encapsulations even though IceRPC doesn't know anything about payload encoding. That's because:

  • if this encapsulation is received by an Ice application, the only encoding supported by both Ice and IceRPC is Slice1 (Slice1 is a new name for Ice encoding version 1.1).
  • if this encapsulation is received by an IceRPC application, this 1.1 version is ignored.

For the same reason, when IceRPC receives an encapsulation, it makes sure the encoding version in this encapsulation is set to 1.1.

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