Mapping RPCs to streams

Understand how requests and responses are sent over icerpc.

The QUIC transport and its multiplexed transport abstraction are ideal for RPCs and the icerpc protocol takes full advantage of these transports.

icerpc creates a dedicated multiplexed stream for each RPC. A two-way RPC, with a request and a response, is carried by a bidirectional stream, while a one-way RPC, with a request and no response, is carried by an unidirectional stream.

A request flows from the endpoint that created the stream to the endpoint that accepted the stream. A response flows the other way—from the endpoint that accepted the stream to the endpoint that created the stream.

An icerpc request consists of a header followed by a payload. As far as icerpc is concerned, the payload is just a stream of bytes with an unknown size. The end of the multiplexed stream marks the end of the payload.

The request header holds:

icerpc transmits the request fields without attaching any meaning to their values or presence.

The request header is specified using Slice:

compact struct Request {
headerSize: varuint62
header: RequestHeader
payload: ...bytes...
compact struct RequestHeader {
path: string
operation: string
fields: Dictionary<RequestFieldKey, Sequence<uint8>>

For example, a request for operation "op" at path "/foo" with an empty payload and no field can be encoded as:

0x25 0x00 : header size (9) on 2 bytes, little endian
0x10 : path size (4) on 1 byte
0x2F 0x66 0x6F 0x6F : UTF-8 encoding of "/foo"
0x08 : operation size (2) on 1 byte
0x6F 0x70 : UTF-8 encoding of "op"
0x00 : field dictionary size (0) on 1 byte (no fields)

With Slice's varuint62 encoding, the first 2 bits of the first byte encode the number of bytes used to encode the value. As a result, for a varuint62 encoded on a single byte, the encoded value is source * 4, and for a varuint62 encoded on 2 bytes, the encoded value is source * 4 + 1.

An icerpc response consists of a header followed by a payload. The payload of a response is just like the payload of a request: a stream of bytes with an unknown size. The response payload ends when the multiplexed stream ends.

The response header holds:

icerpc transmits the response fields without attaching any meaning to their values or presence.

The response header is specified in Slice:

compact struct Response {
headerSize: varuint62
header: ResponseHeader
payload: ...bytes...
compact struct ResponseHeader {
statusCode: StatusCode
errorMessage: string // only present when statusCode is not `Ok`
fields: Dictionary<ResponseFieldKey, Sequence<uint8>>

For example, a response with status code Ok, no fields and an empty payload can be encoded as:

0x09 0x00 : header size (2) on 2 bytes, little endian
0x00 : status code (0) on 1 byte
0x00 : field dictionary size (0) on 1 byte (no fields)

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